
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Succulent Inspired

Summer break has been much needed after a long school year, but at the same time I feel like I'm struggling to stay busy.  To break my boredom I decided to try out some different techniques for topping my cupcakes.  I was limited in the colors I had to work with but soon became inspired with the turquoise blues and greens.  Here's what I came up with:

Lemon Cupcakes~Vanilla Buttercream~Succulent Inspired


It's a Delightful Day . . .

Welcome to my new adventure in sharing and documenting all the delicious desserts I  create!  

Here's a little bit about me:

This is me, Allison, and my husband Chase
We live in the desert of Arizona

However, I will always bleed Scarlet and Gray!  Go Bucks!
This is our pup George
I am a kindergarten teacher and absolutely love my job but have always enjoyed the creativity baking gives me.  With much encouragement and support, I have decided to try this whole blogging thing out and hopefully create some good opportunities along the way!
Stay tuned for all my delicious desserts to come!
